Sunday, April 14, 2013

2.5 year NICU check-up

Charlie just had his last official NICU check-up and we are in the clear!!  He tested above average for a "normal" child in his age group for motor skills and speech, and tested average in the cognitive area.  The neurologist had absolutely no concerns and told us that it wasn't necessary to come back unless we have concerns in the future.  They were very impressed and so were we!  It is amazing to see what your child can do when being neurologically tested. I never knew he could do some of the things that he did.  This was quite the milestone in Charlie's life and it is so exciting to think about how many more he will have in the future.  Cheers to Charlie!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Charlie is 2!

The time has flown by.  Charlie is 2 years old tomorrow!  He is walking, talking and getting into trouble.  He is a very busy boy.  I am proud to say that he is normal in every possible way  (above normal if you ask me).  He was discharged from special education (Birth to Three program) about 6 months ago.  Our therapist said that it is very rare that they discharge anyone, but Charlie was doing everything a kid his age should be doing and beyond so they didn't feel that he needed their services any longer.  So exciting and impressive!

To those of you reading this, please don't hesitate to contact me.  I had 4 people over the past year contact me to tell me how helpful my blog is and I hope it is as helpful for you.  I would love any cooling blanket resources and stories you may have too.