Sunday, January 4, 2015

Charlie is 4!

Just back to check in after another fantastic year.  Charlie is still doing wonderful and is ahead of the game.  He passed his pre-K screening like a pro.  Keep sharing your stories!!  I love to hear from all of you.


  1. Hi Melissa,
    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate this blog and seeing that Charlie is doing great! My daughter was born on thanksgiving with respiratory depression of unknown origin. She was cooled for 72 hours and her imaging was normal. After she got the hang of eating, we took her home. So far everything has been fine, she's growing well and seems to be developing normally. It almost seems like the first 3 days of her life were a fluke, but there's always that fear that something will come up down the road. So once again, thank you for sharing your story!


  2. Thanks for your message, Mary! Glad to hear your daughter is doing great. Take care!

  3. Thank you for your blog. We too had a cooling baby after meconium aspiration, respiratory failure, and a delayed c-section. He is a little over 7 months old now and meeting/exceeding all milestones. If you are starting this journey, have hope. :). There is also a facebook support group called newborn cooling with many positive outcomes.

    1. Thanks for your message and I am happy to hear your child is doing well. Thanks for the heads-up on the Facebook support group.

    2. Thanks so much for having this blog as I searched for something to give me some additional comfort during his time. My son was born last week and had to undergo the treatment as his cord had a knot and he may have been deprived of oxygen. He is still in the hospital the procedure has ended and we are now waiting on the results of the scan. I feel so overwhelmed right now but I am trying to stay positive for my little baby.

    3. Hi Roxanne. I am so glad that my blog gave you additional hope during this tough time. Thanks for sharing your story. It's so hard to stay positive when everything seems so grim, but hang in there. Come back and give an update if you can. I wish you and your family the best.

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  5. This give me hope. My son was born at 36 weeks 6 days with HIE, he underwent this cooling treatment and now is 9 weeks. Hes having some issues with eating (could be cause of reflux) and not wanting to be put down but other than that perfect. I'm starting to freak out at each milestone hoping he will reach them all. Reading all these stories of people that have had to have the cooling done seem positive. Thanks for the blog :)

    1. Meeting milestones is definitely nerve-wracking, but stay positive. Thanks for telling your story and visiting the blog. I wish you and your family the best!

  6. Thanks for your sharing. My son has just finished his cooling therapy due to lack of oxygen during birth. Is there any post therapy treatment and care required? Do u mind sharing with me if you have any links or good articles?

    1. Hi! The hospital should let you know what your child needs after discharge. I was connected with the birth to three program in my school district. The only articles I have found would be on the left side of this page. Good luck with everything!

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