Saturday, April 2, 2016

5 and counting

Charlie is thriving in preschool and his teacher even said he is ahead of the game compared to the other kids his age.  Never thought this would happen.  Makes me so proud to be his mom.  The strength and brain power he has amazes me daily.


  1. Thanks for updating!! 5 is the "magic" number right?? so happy for Charlie!!

  2. Yes, that's what they said! Thanks! Appreciate it!

  3. Horray for you and for Charlie! I found your post while searching for those with similar experiences. Our boy turns one soon. We are in the thick of hope and fear daily of the unknown, but are very grateful for our little guy. Your post and your son are an encouragement for us. Go Charlie! Keep up the good work in school, honey.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I am glad the blog created some encouragement for your situation. I wish you and your family all the best.
